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Sharlene Habermeyer

Sharlene HabermeyerProfile Photo

Author, Blogger

My Story

I’m Sharlene

A mother of 5 boys, grandmother of 11, and author of Good Music Brighter Children. I started the blog, “good parenting brighter children” to share my 40+ years of experience swimming in the delightful (and sometimes shark-infested) waters of parenthood.

It’s been quite the ride and one I want to share with you.

As you travel your own unique parenthood journey, I hope you find my blog filled with tidbits of wisdom and inspiring ideas

For best results: Refer to it often.

A mother of 5 boys, grandmother of 11, and author of Good Music Brighter Children. I started the blog, “good parenting brighter children” to share my 40+ years of experience swimming in the delightful (and sometimes shark-infested) waters of parenthood.

It’s been quite the ride and one I want to share with you.

As you travel your own unique parenthood journey, I hope you find my blog filled with tidbits of wisdom and inspiring ideas

For best results: Refer to it often.

what you’ll discover at good parenting brighter children:
· Arming parents with confidence and tenacity as they go through the minefield journey called “parenting”

· Teaching your kids to love and cherish the discovery of something new yet, difficult

· Nurturing your child’s wonder and curiosity

· Building your child’s confidence and intellect using music, books, family traditions, and good nutrition

10 Random Facts About Me:

I’ve been blessed with 5 near-perfect sons (ha-ha) and 13 absolutely perfect grandchildren.

By the time our third son was born, I had collected 129 dresses for a little girl I never had. Oops!

I’ve felt the gut-wrenching emotion of losing a child. Our fourth son died of a brain disorder.

We raised a son with severe learning disabilities (an experience with a huge learning curve)

I have a Masters degree (MA) in Education from Pepperdine University; a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree (BFA) in Art from Utah State University, and three certifications in Nutrition (a mere 31 classes on the most comprehensive subject on the planet)

I wrote a book, Good Music Brighter Children that was translated into 5 languages

For the last 35 years, I’ve taught about the importance of raising smart children using music, books, traditions, and nutrition to audiences all over the United States

I started the Palos Verdes Regional Symphony Orchestra in Southern California. It’s still going strong

I taught college for 10 fabulous years

Last, I’ve been married for 44 years (Mark). We both understand that marriage is about giving and sharing; rinse and repeat

March 31, 2022

Episode 65. Music Can Increase Your Child’s Intelligence

Do you know that playing a musical instrument is the only thing we do that exercises the entire brain at once? When a child learns to play a musical instrument, the entire brain exercises. Music involves the left, right, front …

Episode page